ThüringenForst A.ö.R.
The focus of ThüringenForst's activities as the State Forestry Agency of the Free State of Thuringia is the sustainable design and management of the cultural landscape of the forest. The associated function of a community forestry administration includes responsibility for the management of the 200,000 hectares of state forest, sovereignty over the entire forest (550,000 hectares) as well as the care of private and communal forests. The capercaillie project of ThüringenForst consists of three pillars: Habitat management measures (especially the promotion of blueberries as the most important food and structural element), support of the population through wild catches and reintroduction from own offspring, and hunting of predatory game to drive back the capercaillie's predators. Monitoring the hidden species can provide important information on habitat use in temporal and spatial detail and offers an important basis for habitat protection.
Core competencies for the network: Management of reintroduction programmes